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Sarah Baker is a professor of cultural sociology at Griffith University. Her work explores the connections between heritage and well-being, the sustainability of the community heritage sector, and the connections between heritage and the pursuit of cultural justice for local communities. Sarah's books include Community Custodians of Popular Music's Past: A DIY Approach to Heritage (Routledge 2018), Curating Pop: Exhibiting Popular Music in the Museum (Bloomsbury 2019) and Popular Music Heritage, Cultural Justice and the Deindustrialising City (Cambridge University Press 2023).

Zelmarie Cantillon is a Vice Chancellor's Research Fellow in the Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University. Her research focuses on the intersections of heritage, space/place, tourism and cultural policy. Zel is interested in understanding how heritage initiatives can have meaningful impacts on people's lives in the present. She has co-edited two books on popular music heritage: The Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage and Remembering Popular Music's Past: Memory-Heritage-History. She is also author of Resort Spatiality: Reimagining Sites of Mass Tourism (Routledge) and Popular Music Heritage, Cultural Justice and the Deindustrialising City (Cambridge University Press 2023).

Raphaël Nowak is a lecturer in cultural sociology at University of York, UK. He conducts research on music, technologies, genres, and heritage. He is the author of Consuming Music in the Digital Age, co-editor with Andrew Whelan of Networked Music Cultures, and co-author with Sarah Baker and Lauren Istvandity of Curating Pop. He has worked extensively on curatorial approaches to popular music preservation, halls of fame and criteria of induction and cultural consecration, popular music heritage and urban rejuvenation, the future of popular music heritage in the age of music platforms, and popular music heritage and cultural justice in deindustrialising cities.

Bob Buttigieg completed his PhD at Griffith University. His research focuses on queer youth, space/place, friendship and survival. Bob is keenly interested in processes of dehumanisation and how these can be countered.

Lauren Istvandity is an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow at Griffith University. Her research centres on the intersections of music, heritage, and memory studies. Lauren is a past recipient of the John Oxley Library Fellowship, State Library of Queensland (2017). She is the author of The Lifetime Soundtrack: Music and Autobiographical Memory (Equinox 2019) and co-author of Curating Pop: Popular Music in the Museum (Bloomsbury 2019) and Regurgitator’s Unit (Bloomsbury 2022).

Lauren Chalk completed a PhD at Griffith University. Her doctoral research explored cultural heritage stakeholders and practices related to the Afro-Caribbean popular music genre, reggaeton. Her interests include unpacking the role that museums, archives and galleries play in the delivery of cultural and social justice outcomes.
Paul Long is a professor in creative and cultural industries at Monash University. Paul’s work is concerned with the interaction of history, heritage and archives with/in/about media and cultural studies. He’s interested in questions about the history of media, exploring a range of forms as sites of historical mediation, and the production of ways of thinking about and experiencing the historical.

Jez Collins is the founder and director of the Birmingham Music Archive, a creative and cultural arts organisation that captures, documents and celebrates the music history, heritage and culture of Birmingham, UK. Jez provides cultural and creative consultancy to a variety of sectors working in music, development and place-making and tourism. Jez is an expert in the field of popular music history, heritage and culture and has published numerous articles and book chapters on these subjects.
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