This page collates scholarly outputs produced by members of the Sounds of Our Town Collective that relate to aspects of popular music heritage. Some of this work is also captured on the 'Projects' pages, but here you will find a more complete listing of members' individual and collaborative publications. Outputs are arranged by type of publication – books, edited collections, book chapters, refereed journal articles – and listed from earliest to most recent publication date. Names of members of the Collective appear in bold.
Baker, S. 2018. Community Custodians of Popular Music's Past: A DIY Approach to Heritage. Routledge.
Baker, S., Istvandity, L. and Nowak, R. 2019. Curating Pop: Exhibiting Popular Music in the Museum. Bloomsbury.
Baker, S., Cantillon, Z. and Nowak, R. 2023. Popular Music Heritage, Cultural Justice and the Deindustrialising City. Cambridge University Press.
Baker, S. (ed) 2015. Preserving Popular Music Heritage: Do-it-yourself, Do-it-together. Routledge.
Baker, S., Strong, C., Istvandity, L. and Cantillon, Z. 2019. The Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage. Routledge.
Istvandity, L., Baker, S. and Cantillon, Z. 2019. Remembering Popular Music's Past: Memory-Heritage-History. Anthem Press.
Long, P. and Collins, J. 2012. 'Mapping the soundscapes of popular music heritage', in L. Roberts (ed) Mapping Cultures. Palgrave Macmillan.
Baker, S. and Huber, A. 2015. 'Saving "rubbish": preserving popular music's material culture in amateur archives and museums', in S. Cohen, R. Knifton, M. Leonard and L. Roberts (eds) Sites of Popular Music Heritage: Memories, Histories, Places. Routledge.
Collins, J. and Long, P. 2015. '"Fillin' in any blanks I can": Online archival practice and virtual sites of musical memory', in S. Cohen, R. Knifton, M. Leonard and L. Roberts (eds) Sites of Popular Music Heritage: Memories, Histories, Places. Routledge.
Baker, S. 2015. 'Affective archiving and collective collecting in do-it-yourself popular music archives and museums', in S. Baker (ed) Preserving Popular Music Heritage: Do-it-yourself, Do-it-together. Routledge.
Long, P. 2015. '"Really saying something?" What do we talk about when we talk about popular music heritage, memory, archives and the digital?', in S. Baker (ed) Preserving Popular Music Heritage: Do-it-yourself, Do-it-together. Routledge.
Collins, J. and Carter, O. 2015, '"They're not pirates, they're archivists": the role of fans as curators and archivists of popular music heritage', in S. Baker (ed) Preserving Popular Music Heritage: Do-it-yourself, Do-it-together. Routledge.
Baker, S. 2015. 'Identifying do-it-yourself places of popular music preservation,' in S. Baker (ed) Preserving Popular Music Heritage: Do-it-yourself, Do-it-together. Routledge.
Collins, J. 2015, '"Doing-it-together: public history-making and activist archiving in online popular music community archives', in S. Baker (ed) Preserving Popular Music Heritage: Do-it-yourself, Do-it-together. Routledge.
Long, P. and Collins, J. 2016. 'Affective memories of music in online heritage practice', in J. Brasilia, B. Johnson and J. Richardson (eds) Memory, Space and Sound. Intellect.
Baker, S. 2017. 'Learning, loving and living at the Australian Country Music Hall of Fame', in H. Round-Cunliffe and A. Copeland (eds) Participatory Heritage. Facet.
Cantillon, Z., Strong, C., Istvandity, L. and Baker, S. 2018. 'Framing the field of popular music history and heritage studies', in S. Baker, C. Strong, L. Istvandity and Z. Cantillon (eds) The Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage. Routledge.
Long, P. 2018. 'What is popular music cultural heritage?', in S. Baker, C. Strong, L. Istvandity and Z. Cantillon (eds) The Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage. Routledge.
Collins, J. 2018. 'Citizen archiving and virtual sites of musical memory in online communities', in S. Baker, C. Strong, L. Istvandity and Z. Cantillon (eds) The Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage. Routledge
Nowak, R. and Baker, S. 2018. 'Popular music halls of fame as institutions of cultural heritage', in S. Baker, C. Strong, L. Istvandity and Z. Cantillon (eds) The Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage. Routledge.
Istvandity, L., Baker, S., Strong, C., Collins, J. and Dresden, S. 2019. 'Understanding popular music heritage practice through the lens of Third Place', in J. Dolley and C. Bosman (eds) Rethinking Third Places: Informal Public Spaces and Community Building. Edward Elgar.
Long, P., Baker, S., Cantillon, Z., Collins, J. and Nowak, R. 2019. 'Popular music, community archives and public history online: cultural justice and the DIY approach to heritage' in J. Bastian and A. Flinn (eds) Community Archives, Community Spaces: Heritage, Memory and Identity. Facet.
Cantillon, Z., Buttigieg, B. and Baker, S. 2019. 'Preserving Icelandic popular music heritage: issues of collection, access and representation', in L. Istvandity, S. Baker and Z. Cantillon (eds) Remembering Popular Music's Past: Memory-Heritage-History. Anthem.
Istvandity, L. and Cantillon, Z. 2019. 'The precocity of memory, heritage and history in remembering popular music's past'', in L. Istvandity, S. Baker and Z. Cantillon (eds) Remembering Popular Music's Past: Memory-Heritage-History. Anthem.
Nowak, R. 2019. 'Questioning the future of popular music heritage in the age of platform capitalism', in L. Istvandity, S. Baker and Z. Cantillon (eds) Remembering Popular Music's Past: Memory-Heritage-History. Anthem.
Davis, S., Davis, S. and Cantillon, Z. 2019. 'Phenomenology of the Surf Ballroom's Winter Dance Party: Affect and community at a popular music heritage tourism event', in L. Istvandity, S. Baker and Z. Cantillon (eds) Remembering Popular Music's Past: Memory-Heritage-History. Anthem.
Long, P. 2019. 'Consuming popular music heritage', in L. Istvandity, S. Baker and Z. Cantillon (eds) Remembering Popular Music's Past: Memory-Heritage-History. Anthem.
Collins, J. 2020. 'Doing-it-together: citizen archivists and the online environment', in S. Popple, A. Prescott and D.H. Mutibwa (eds) Communities, Archives and New Collaborative Practices. Policy Press.
Baker, S., Nowak, R., Long, P., Collins, J. and Cantillon, Z. 2020. 'Community well-being, post-industrial music cities and the turn to popular music heritage' in C. Ballico and A. Watson (eds) Music Cities. Palgrave Macmillan.
Long, P. 2021. 'The cultural economy of popular music heritage', Novos Olhares 10(2): 11–32.
Cantillon, Z., Baker, S. and Nowak, R. 2021. 'Music heritage, cultural justice and the Steel City: Archiving and curating popular music history in Wollongong, Australia', in L. Maloney and J. Schofield (eds) Music and Heritage: New Perspectives on Place-making and Sonic Identity. Routledge.
Istvandity, L., Baker, S., Cantillon, Z. and Homan, S. 2022. 'Compromised histories: the impact of production pressures on the construction of historical narratives in popular music documentaries', in C. Anderson and M. James (eds) Media Narratives in Popular Music. Bloomsbury.
Long, P., Cantillon, Z. and Baker, S. 2022. 'Conceptualising popular music's heritage as an object of policy: preservation, performance and promotion', in S. Homan (ed) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music Policy. Bloomsbury.
Baker, S. 2022. 'L'approche do-it-yourself du patrimione: une introduction', in G. Guibert and G. Heuguet (eds) Penser Les Musiques Populaires. Patrimonie du Paris
Istvandity, L. 2024. 'DIY jazz cultures in Queensland, Australia', in A. Havas, B. Johnson and D. Horn (eds) The Routledge Companion to Diasporic Jazz Studies. Routledge.
Baker, S. and Huber, A. 2012. '"Masters of our own destiny": Cultures of preservation at the Victorian Jazz Archive in Melbourne, Australia', Popular Music History 7(3): 263–282.
Baker, S. and Huber, A. 2013. 'Locating the canon in Tamworth: Historical narratives, cultural memory and Australia's "Country Music Capital", Popular Music 32(2): 223–240.
Baker, S. and Huber, A. 2013. 'Notes towards a typology of the DIY institution: Identifying do-it-yourself places of popular music preservation', European Journal of Cultural Studies 16(5): 513–530.
Baker, S. and Collins, J. 2015. 'Sustaining popular music's material culture in community archives and museums', International Journal of Heritage Studies 29(10): 983–996.
Baker, S., Doyle, P. and Homan, S. 2016. 'Historical records, national constructions: The contemporary popular music archive', Popular Music and Society 39(1): 8–27.
Baker, S. 2016. 'Do-it-yourself institutions of popular music heritage: the preservation of music's material past in community archives, museums and halls of fame', Archives and Records 37(2): 170–187.
Baker, S., Istvandity, L. and Nowak, R. 2016. 'The sound of music heritage: Curating popular music in music museums and exhibitions', International Journal of Heritage Studies 22(1): 70–81.
Baker, S., Istvandity, L. and Nowak, R. 2016. 'Curating popular music heritage: storytelling and narrative engagement in popular music museums and exhibitions', Music Management and Curatorship 31(4): 369–385.
Baker, S. and Collins, J. 2017. 'Popular music heritage, community archives and the challenge of sustainability', International Journal of Cultural Studies 20(5): 476–491.
Long, P., Baker, S., Istvandity, L and Collins, J. 2017. 'A labour of love: The affective archives of popular music culture', Archives and Records 31(1): 61–79.
Nowak, R. 2017. 'Interview with Antti-Ville Karja from Music Archive Finland', Journal of World Popular Music 4(1): 122–131.
Cantillon, Z., Baker, S. and Buttigieg, B. 2017. 'Queering the community music archive', Australian Feminist Studies 32(91–92): 41–57
Long, P. and Raine, S. 2019. 'The meaning of the music venue: Historicising the Click Club', Popular Music History 12(1): 55–74.
Baker, S., Istvandity, L. and Nowak, R. 2020. 'Curatorial practice in popular music museums: An emerging typology of structuring concepts', European Journal of Cultural Studies 23(3): 434–453.
Cantillon, Z. and Baker, S. 2020. 'Serious leisure and the DIY approach to heritage: Considering the costs of career volunteering in community archives and museums', Leisure Studies 39(2): 266–279.
Cantillon, Z. and Baker, S. 2020. 'Career volunteering as good work in do-it-yourself heritage institutions: A serious leisure perspective', Journal of Sociology 66(3): 356–371.
Cantillon, Z., Baker, S. and Nowak, R. 2021. 'A cultural justice approach to popular music heritage in deindustrialising cities', International Journal of Heritage Studies 27(1): 73–89.
Istvandity, L. 2021. 'How does music heritage get lost? Examining cultural heritage loss in community and authorised music archives', International Journal of Heritage Studies 27(4): 331–343.
Istvandity, L. 2021. 'Creative heritage: an approach for research and practice integrating heritage and the performing arts', International Journal of Heritage Studies 27(11): 1149–1162.
Baker, S., Cantillon, Z., Istvandity, L. and Long, P. 2022. 'The values and value of community heritage: Visitor evaluation of do-it-yourself museums and archives of popular music', Journal of Heritage Tourism 17(2): 190–203.
Chalk, L. 2022. 'Representing reggaeton through fans' online community archives', Transformative Works and Cultures 37.
Cantillon, Z. and Baker, S. 2022. 'DIY heritage institutions as third places: Caring, community and wellbeing among volunteers at the Australian Jazz Museum', Leisure Sciences 44(2): 221–239.
Cantillon, Z., Baker, S. and Chalk, L. 2023. 'Leveraging popular music heritage as sustainable cultural infrastructure in small cities', International Journal of Cultural Policy 29(6): 716–732.
Istvandity, L., Baker, S. and Long, P. 2024. 'Creative futures for cultural heritage: A typology of creative practice in the GLAM sector – towards a creative heritage approach', Museum Management and Curatorship.